Cost Sharing
Cost sharing makes interior shoots more affordable by allowing multiple businesses or parties to split the costs. The more participants, the lower the price for each. This not only saves money but also ensures homeowners only need one photoshoot. It’s a great opportunity for businesses to collaborate, cross-post, and tag, increasing visibility for everyone involved. The hiring party, usually the interior designer, coordinates the shoot with the homeowner and photographer, overseeing the styling of the home. Pricing is based on the number of businesses participating and the number of image licenses purchased as shown below:
Full Day $2800 Cost Sharing Breakdown
$2800, 1 business only, shoot + one image use license
$1960/each, 2 businesses go in on cost sharing + 2 image licenses
$1680/each, 3 businesses for cost sharing + 3 licenses
$1540/each, 4 businesses for cost sharing + 4 licenses
Half Day $1500 Cost Sharing Breakdown
$1500, 1 business only, shoot + one image use license
$975/each, 2 businesses go in on cost sharing + 2 image licenses
$800/each, 3 businesses for cost sharing + 3 licenses
$712/each, 4 businesses for cost sharing + 4 licenses